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Archive for Juni 2014

The Final Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 8]

The Final 
Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 8]

"Akhirnya syuting Itakiss 2 telah selesai jumat kemarin.. 
Horeeeeei.... \(*,*)/"

Jadi, sekarang tinggal kita tunggu konfirmasi dari Official kapan tayangnya >.<
yah walaupun terakhir ada rumor yg beredar..
katanya Itakiss 2 tayang juli~
namun info terakhir dari blog Mami irie "Tororin" katanya
Kita dapat menikmati Itakiss 2 ini kemungkinan Akhir Tahun --'

Manakah informasi yang benar??
ntahlah.. kita harap aja Official segera di konfirmasi kebenarannya :D

post blog kali ini min yuhee akan membahas 
tentang update twitter dan blog Cast serta Official Itakiss 2 
tentang perkembangan syuting Itakiss sampai syuting selesai kemarin.

Ok langsung saja kita bahas satu persatu 
Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 8]

Cek this out!!


Pertama, Official Itakiss2 Love in Tokyo
(c) Twitter

"Special bread "Uncle Happy workshop bread" of Okaya"


"Shooting in Nagano Prefecture ended in today!"

Kira-kira mereka syuting scene apa yah di Nagano Prefecture? ,")


 "It was a popular location valve, so always delicious!"


 "Dessert dinner Marble cookies in the future.."


 "Was safely crank up! Thank you for your warm support  It will be notified and broadcasting information now, please acquaintance still (^ ∇ ^)"

Nah.. Official dah kasih kode tuh akan menginformasikan kapan tayangnya.. :D


Kedua, Official Furukawa Yuki
(c) Twitter, FB, Weibo


 "From Fans"


 "Lunch last day of Itakisu"

Kok disini 
Yuki keliatan 'Cantik Banget' yah xD 


 "I was Itakisu 2 crank up! Everyone in the cast and staff, it was really cheers for good work. Everyone, please have fun in the broadcast(^ - ^)"


Ketiga, Official Miki Honoka
(c) Twitter

"Spare time, I would want to write a picture catapult. Hehehe.Lol" 

Ini miki yang gambar lho.. ><
kalau kalian mengikuti Progress Itakiss dan Galery Photo Itakiss 2
pasti kalian tau kalau Miki suka sekali gambar manga  itakiss seperti ini :D


 "Special bread '' Happy Uncle Okaya, 
to the face of ♡ I was gotten~"


 "Itakissu 2"


"Final sprint, and do my best! <3" 


"Itakisu ..... taken by tomorrow, I'm a crank up. 
Mixed feelings. Let Owaraseyo with a smile last after all! Lol"

This is Kissu Scene >,< at Okinawa Beach


"Itakisu shooting last"


"ItaKiss2 ~ Love in TOKYO ~ mischievous, I crank up! 4 months, and because it was a really fun day, I lonely At the end after all. Broadcasting are left still, thank you ♪ I am looking forward to it!"


Keempat, Official Yamada Yuki
(c) Blog


"ItaKiss2 ~ Love in TOKYO ~ mischievous, I crank up! with Criss as Nakai Noemi"


"KinChan with a cute baby...!!!! 
It's baby Kotomi?? or Kinchan daughter..??"


Kelima, Official Tororin 'Mami Irie'
(c) Blog

Kalau kita lihat dari pict di atas.. 
gaya rambut Mami Irie berubah juga :D


Keenam, Official Yuga Aizawa 'Irie Yuuki'
(c) Blog

"ItaKiss2 ~ Love in TOKYO ~ mischievous, I crank up!"


"ItaKiss2 ~ Love in TOKYO ~ mischievous, I crank up! 
with Kru, Staff, Cast Itakiss2"


Ketujuh, Official Jinko 'Nanami Fujimoto'
(c) Twitter

"Jinko 'Nanami Fujimoto' with Miki Honoka and Kasumi" 


Kedelapan, Official Criss 'Noemie Nakai'
(c) Blog

Hello hello :) Today we shot the last-big-final-climax scene of Itazura na kiss. Lots of laughs and lots of tears... Although the beginning of season 2 is very light and fun, Chris's character becomes more and more complex and there are more and more dramatic scenes, which was soo interesting and challenging to play.Can't wait for you all to watch the series!! Tomorrow is Chris and Kinchan last day on set, and I'm already missing everyone and everything!

"This bakery close to the shooting set made this pastry especially for the whole Itakiss team!!
There's also a version with Kotoko's face, it's on her Twitter. It was sooo sweet."

Sorry for the late update!!

We officially finished shooting all the scenes of Itazura na kiss 2 last week,
and had a closing party last weekend with all the staff and cast.
The whole shooting took 4 months (although I wasn't there all the time)- time fliiiies when you're on set, but now that I look back, the first days of shootings seem like forever ago.

Anyway, here's a small drawing I made to thank everyone-

I was stuck at home today with fever, so I quickly drew this. It's obviously copied from Chris' in the original manga, do not think thatI have some super-talent and  can draw this kind of stuff out of nowhere haha!

そういえば先週でイタキス、オールアップ&クランクアップ、そして一昨日は打ち上げでした :)

Thank you to all the staff, both on set and in office, to all the cast, awesome as always, and to all the fans for your support-

Hope you will all enjoy the show!!


Kesembilan, Beberapa pict Cast Itakiss
yang telah selesai syuting :D


Dan sebelum post ini selesai..
mimin ingin membahas prediksi versi min yuhee tentang... 

 "Siapa yang akan punya Baby dan Hamil di Itakiss 2 ini >.<!!" 


Pertama, tentu kita akan bahas Irie Kotoko...

 Apakah di Itakiss 2 akan ada scene mengandung??? dan ada Kotomi??


Hmm klo menurut analisis mi2n kemungkinan 80% ^^.. 
prediksi ini mi2n dapet setelah memperhatikan beberapa foto Miki yg telah di upload.

Foto pertama, 
Mari kita perhatikan baik-baik foto dibawah ini.. 
di sini Kotoko seperti sedang mengandung / Hamil :D 

kemudian, foto ke 2 yg di upload oleh Official Itakiss~ perhatikan baik-baik foto ini,, 
bentuk badan Miki disini berubah seperti Ibu Hamil :D


Next, Satomi  
setelah menganalisis menurut versi min yuhee di Itakiss 2 
dia ada 'kemungkinan' scene hamil juga 
*jika mengikuti Itakiss 2 versi Taiwan*

Soalnya jika kalian perhatikan baik-baik foto dibawah ini Satomi seperti mengandung juga di Itakiss 2~

Kemudian ada scene dimana Satomi di rawat di RS 
*padahal di Itakiss ver anime yg sakit bukan Satomi melainkan Matsumoto* 

 Jadi bisa kemungkinan ItakissLIT 2 ini 
mengambil cerita Itakiss 2 versi Taiwan 'They Kiss Again' ^^



Apakah di Itakiss 2 akan ada Baby Kotomi?? 
dan seperti apa Kotomi??


Kemungkinan 50 %

Karna kalau kita lihat dari update terbaru blog KinChan 'Yamada Yuki' tentang Itakiss 2 
bisa kemungkinan 70% ini Kotomi :D

Yahh walaupun tidak di jelaskan sama sekali di blog siapa baby ini.. 
 *biasa mereka main rahasia hahaha* tapi mi2n hampir yakin ini Kotomi..

Karena anak pertama KinChan dan Criss di Itakiss 2 jika mengikuti versi Anime yaitu
laki-laki kembar setelah itu baru perempuan.. ~

Kemudian,  ada foto Sudou senpai upload foto dengan seorang anak kecil cantik >.<

Apakah ini Kotomi?? kemungkinan 30 % 
 *Walaupun min yuhee harap banget iyah hahha*

Karena di Itakiss 2, Sudou Senpai sepertinya tidak ikut berpartisipasi.. 
pdhal klo mengikuti versi Anime seharusnya ADA!! 
dan seharusnya kisah Cinta Sudou Senpai dengan Matsumoto diceritakan lebih lanjut.. 
tp sepertinya tidak :(


Yah mari kita berdoa semoga salah satu cute baby ini adalah 

Irie Kotomi <3

Sekian Update Blog
The Final Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 8]

Karna syuting telah berakhir, maka post blog ini merupakan post terakhir
dari Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 8] :D

Dan kesimpulannya dari progress syuting BTS ItakissLIT 2 ini 
"Fix alur cerintanya mencampur dari Itakiss ver Manga, Anime, Itakiss2 ver Taiwan dan buat versi sendiri"

and see u next post selanjutnya 

Kita tunggu Kabar Kapan Itakiss 2 Tayang^^
Semoga Official Segera Konfirmasi..

Dan apabila kalian ingin berita terupdate tentang Itakiss 2
silahkan follow fanbase kami @ItakissLIT_INA



*Info dri Official tentang Konfirmasi Itakiss Season 2, 
tanggal 3 Oktober 2013>> Itakiss Season 2 will Be Production!!!

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 1] 
silahkan baca disini >> Progresss Itakiss Season 2!!!! [Part 1]

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 2] 
silahkan baca disini >> Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 2] 

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 3] 
silahkan baca disini >> Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 3] 

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 4] 
silahkan baca disini >> Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 4] 

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 5] 
silahkan baca disini >> Progress Itakiss Season 2!!! [Part 5] 

* Progress Itakiss Season 2 [Part 6] 

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